Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12 Weeks of Christmas CAL 12

Holiday Scrubbies

Well here it is, the last week of the crochet-a-long. This had to have been the fastest 12 weeks I have ever seen, well probably not, just seems like it. Anyway, this week was Holiday Scrubbies. Again, I couldn't find the yarn (if you can really call it that!) in the colors I wanted, so I had to settle for red, blue and black. This stuff is very weird to crochet with, it's hard to see the stitches so sometimes it's a guess where to place one, but overall, I think they came out cute and besides... they're scubbies!

12 Weeks of Christmas CAL 11

Snowflake Coasters

This week was Snowflake Coasters. I couldn't find any cotton yarn in the colors I wanted so I made mine with size 10 crochet thread and a size 7/1.65 mm Boye Steel hook, stiffened with Sta-flo concentrated starch. I hung them on an vintage bottle brush tree that is older than I am and has seen better days but I love it and all the memories it brings back.

`12 Weeks of Christmas CAL 10

Week 10 of the crochet-a-long is Santa and Elf Bag. I only make the Santa Bag and I changed it up a bit.  I used white yarn from my stash and for the trim I used Yarn Bee from Hobby Lobby called Gilt Eyelash in the color Star Ruby. I liked it because it sparkles and was different from the fur. I used the crochet cord with two colors tutorial for the tie, I think it looks like a candy cane. For the pom-pom I used the 2 1/2 inch Clover pom-pom maker, it was messy but I like how they came out.