Monday, December 15, 2014

Grand Illusion Part 3 Link-Up

Grand Illusion Part 3 Link-up

This week of part 3 is brought to you by a 1951 Singer 301a.

After I had the scant 1/4 inch seam figured out on my 66, I sewed a piece of paper through it to use as a seam guide so that I can switch between machines and have the same results.

So for this week I have a total of 38 finished, just need to press the center seam. I'm still working on parts 1 and 2, I need to cut more of those pieces.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Grand Illusion Clue 2

This week was clue 2 for the Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt. Bonnie had 3 different ways of doing this block and I chose to try the second and third option.

I know, my picture taking skills need work too! Anyway, this is the second option, making parallelograms using a template attached to the easy angle ruler then also with the easy angle ruler, cut the corner triangles.

Monday, December 1, 2014

First Quilt Experience!

Well, the first clue for the Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt came out on the 28th, but with the holiday and black Friday shopping, I haven't gotten much done. I've never made a quilt before and for me the hardest part is the cutting. Not just cutting, but cutting accurately. I also had to play around with my seam allowance to get my squares to come out the right size.